
Thank you for your attention and support to our engine - driven welding machine and steam - diesel generator set. We are now looking for distributors throughout the country. The following qualifications are as follows: 1. Enterprises and institutions with independent legal person qualifications; 2, good industry relations and market development capabilities, can successfully achieve the sale of various equipment; 3. Relevant electrical industry experience, understand the operation process of the industry; 4, it is necessary to provide information: A) unit business license, tax registration certificate; B) unit legal representative ID card or legal person license; C) application unit introduction and relevant advantage description. 5. Fill in the application form of distributor as required.
盐津县| 惠东县| 河津市| 武鸣县| 曲沃县| 成武县| 舟曲县| 溧阳市| 彭山县| 黔西县| 澜沧| 达日县| 克什克腾旗| 浙江省| 永济市| 南充市| 海宁市| 武清区| 伊川县| 民丰县| 公安县| 孝感市| 高雄县| 洪江市| 丰宁| 浏阳市| 龙山县| 德钦县| 乌海市| 龙口市| 沁阳市| 五河县| 肇州县| 洛阳市| 凤凰县| 四会市| 天镇县| 稻城县| 进贤县| 漾濞| 福州市|